Current Beach Conditions
Beach Warning Flags
Stay safe. Know the beach flags.
When swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, safety should be your top priority. In Panama City Beach color-coded beach flags are in place to keep the public aware of sea conditions at all times. Remember, double red means stay out of the water - you could be arrested for ignoring this warning! So stay aware, and have fun on our gorgeous Florida beaches!
Double Red Flag Ordinance: when double red flags fly, the water is closed to the public.
Failure to obey an order to stay out of or come in from the Gulf of Mexico by any member of the City’s fire rescue department, when reasonably known to be such a person, is hereby prohibited and made unlawful. Any person violating any provision of this section may be punished as follows:
1. First Offense: verbal warning.
2. Second Offense (occurring within twenty-four hours but following an opportunity to comply with the preceding warning): Misdemeanor of the second degree punishable by a fine of no more than $500, or a sentence of not more than sixty (60) days in jail, or both.
Be aware that conditions in the Gulf of Mexico are constantly changing. Watch the flag colors at all times, and use good judgment to determine whether it's safe to enter the water. The beach flags are there for your protection, so keep an eye on them!